A man took his very limp dog to the vet.
The doctor examined the dog, then said gently, "I'm sorry, but your dog is dead."
"What!" exclaimed the man in disbelief."How can you tell" You haven't done any tests on him."


The vet left the room and returned with a Labrador retriever.
The dog sniffed the dead dog thoroughly, then looked sympathetically at the man and, "Barked."


A few moments later a cat came in and gave the dog a careful examination.
She, too, shook her head and, "Meowed."


The veterinarian handed the man a bill for £300.
Outraged, the dog's owner yelled,"£300!, to tell me my dog is dead?
This is outrageous!"


The vet shook his head sadly, then explained.
"If you had taken my word for it, the bill would have been £20,
but with the lab work and the cat scan it obviously costs much more."
